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No race or training plan is made off of one workout, but some sessions are more important than others to prepare for certain events.  Below are a couple of key sessions I like my athletes to do prior to an Ironman not only to see how their current fitness is, but also to mentally prepare them for the demands of the day.

Bike Steady States w/ IM Tempos


15 min w/u

2x15 minutes @ threshold 
           power or HR

5min recovery after each

3x30 min @ IM power or HR

5min recovery after each

This can be built to 3x1hr or 4x1hr @ IM power or HR

This workout is designed for an advanced athlete.  Contrary to what many think, a less well trained athlete would spend more time at Ironman pace since their Ironman effort is relatively easier (a lower percentage of FTP)


This session is comprised of intervals at threshold and intervals just above planned Ironman pace.  It's worth noting that their is often a big difference between what power/HR an athlete thinks they can do in an IM and what they should do.  Base this workout off of a realistic number.  The ride starts w 30 minutes broken up at threshold power or HR and then goes right into longer intervals at IM power or HR.  Over time, the length and of the Ironman intervlas will increase, but the time at threshold won't  Starting the ride with threshold means that the athlete is fresh enough to do it, and that their glycogen stores will be diminished in shorter amount of time than if we were only doing IM intervals.  Additionally, harder intervals often unsettle the stomach thus the following time at IM pace will help determine if the athlete's nutrition plan is on par.

Ironman Tempo Brick


15 min w/u

1hr @ 60-70% of threshold power or 65-75% of max HR

1hr slightly above Ironman power or HR

2 hours @ @ 60-70% of threshold power or 65-75% of max HR

1hr slightly above Ironman power or HR

Brick into

6x2miles @ 30 seconds to 1min per mile faster than Ironman pace  w/ 2min rest between each

Like the workout above, this is designed for an advanced athlete. Contrary to what many think, a less well trained athlete would spend more time at Ironman pace since their Ironman effort is relatively easier (a lower percentage of FTP). An Ironman athlete targeting a 6+ race ride may do this entire workout at IM effort.


The longest and hardest workout I like to see athletes do before an IM, this should only be done once or twice since the recovery time is long.  Remember, day to day and month to month consistency is much more important than one or two big workouts.  Having said that, this is a great way to make sure your nutrition is dialed in and that you're goal race paces are realistic.
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