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Strength Training 

Strength training is currently a contraversial issue in the endurance world.  While for well balanced, healthy, and athletes short on time, an extra swim, bike, or run is probably the best use of thier time, strength work does have a place for some.  If you have niggling injuries or have the extra time, strength training can be a valuable tool for getting you healthy and/or improving your performance.

The basis of any good strength training for endurance performance is on correcting imbalances.  If you find yourself suffereing from hip / back pain or suffering from glute weakness/quad dominance you may want to give some of the following excercises a try.  Remember the top priority is to do them correctly before progressing in difficulty or duration.  Visit my youtube channel for more like this or contact me for one-on-one advice.

Beginner Bridge progression - As with the plank, do your best to keep your back flat and maintain a straight line from shoulders to ankles.  Focus on bringing the belly button towards the spine and contracting the glute when lifting the leg.  Build duration from 30 seconds to 2 minutes










plank progression - Do your best to keep your back flat and maintain a straight line from shoulders to ankles.  Focus on bringing the belly button towards the spine.  Build duration from 30 seconds to 2 minutes










Advanced Hanging Row - Focus on keeping a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.  Lift your chest towards the bar in a controlled manner.  For an easier version, raise the bar to chest level.  Build to 3x20










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